Speaking on this occasion, Mr. S.R. Kolte, General Manager, District Industries Center – Ratnagiri mentioned the initiatives of Government of Maharashtra and the central government to promote marine and farm exports from the state. Specifically, he highlighted schemes focused on training youths in fishing, setting up of fish seed centers, providing infrastructure facilities in fish landing centers, development of fisheries co-operative societies, establishing fish farmers development agency, among others.
Mr. Kolte further inform that in the financial year 2018-19, Maharashtra is estimated to have exported fish products worth Rs. 5043 crore, compared to Rs. 4312 crore in 2016-17.
The session was also addressed by Dr. T.R. Gibinkumar, Deputy Director, Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA). Dr. Gibinkumar suggested fish exporters to become members of MPEDA and benefit from the support provided by the authority.
Speaking on this occasion, Mr. Milind Joshi, General Manager, Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board (MSAMB) pointed to the untapped potential of Ratnagiri in export of farm products, especially export of processed fruits, beverages and coir products. He emphasized farmers to focus on value addition and avail of the various schemes of Government of India and Government of Maharashtra for food processing units.
During the event, Mr. Eknath Birari – Senior Faculty, WTC Mumbai Trade Institute conducted an interactive session on procedures involved in exports. Mr. Birari explained various procedures involved in foreign trade, right from securing Import Export Code (IEC), to accessing pre-shipment and post-shipment finance and availing benefits of various export promotion schemes by Government of India.
Mr. Birari also explained the Incoterms (short for International Commercial Terms), which is a globally accepted standard of contract that specifies the obligations of importers and exporters. Mr. Birari concluded his session by highlighting the relevance of quality standards, packaging and labeling norms, tariff and non tariff barriers involved in international trade of goods and services.
Earlier in his welcome remarks, Mr. Anil Velde, Joint Director, MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai shared information about the Center and its role in promoting exports from Maharashtra. He said the Center is a preferred choice for MSMEs to facilitate their access to global markets. Mr. Velde suggested MSMEs in Ratnagiri to participate and benefit from the various trade promotion and trade education activities of World Trade Center Mumbai.
The interactive session ended with a highly engaging question and answer session between the audience and distinguished speakers.
The event was also addressed by senior functionaries from Lions Club – Ratnagiri, JSW Jaigarh Port and global professional services firm Ernst & Young.

Mr. Anil Velde – Joint Director, Trade Promotion and Marketing, MVIRDC World Trade Center Mumbai addressing World Trade Day Maharashtra in Ratnagiri. Also seen on the dais are (from left to right) Mr. Ravi Limaye, Secretary, Lions Club - Ratnagiri, Ms. Kriti Aggarwal, Senior Consultant, Ernst & Young, Dr. T.R. Gibinkumar, Deputy Director, Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Capt. Ravi Chandar, Head, JSW Jaigarh Port, Mr. Deepak Salvi, President, Lions Club – Ratnagiri, Mr. S.R. Kolte, General Manager, District Industries Center – Ratnagiri, Mr. Eknath Birari – Senior Faculty, WTC Mumbai Trade Institute